Method Madness
The best way to learn change ringing methods, from the creators of Ringing Room.
Method Madness is a flash card app for change ringing that aims to help you learn methods for life. Choose what methods you want to learn, and Method Madness will automatically create a study plan that will help you learn and retain the method so you can ring it confidently — either in that peal you’re studying for next month or a practice night years from now!
- Quick study: Learn as many methods as you want in an average of 20 minutes per day — Method Madness shows you only the cards you need to see right now.
- Learn by place bells: Breaking methods down into bite-sized chunks means you can learn faster, and also improves your ability to ring spliced.
- Beautifully designed for iOS: Method Madness presents all the information you need about a method in an intuitive way that feels right at home on iPhone.